Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos
Sweet chaos

Sweet chaos

Regular price £1,795.00 Sale

Sweet chaos, acrylic and enamel on canvas 80 x 100 x  4cm. An abundance of chaotic vines, twisted tangled branches.  From chaos the Hollyhock. Tall and straight, reaching ever skyward like Icarus toward the sun. Flowering faces bathed in golden light. Ladybug adorned. At their base a brutal underworld, a clamour of wild growth, flecks of periwinkle and violet blue bells. A sweet chaos. Inspired by roadside wildflowers, the beautiful Hollyhock is the subject of this painting. I wanted to capture the wild beauty of an urban patch of ground, the tangled grass and opportunistic flowers vying for life. Dazzling in their overlooked splendor.  Sweet chaos had to be more than beautiful flowers. I wanted to convey the struggle for survival, the defiance. Sweet chaos has been coated in a satin varnish. It is ready to hang.